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Ipswich to Springfield Central (I2S) Public Transport Corridor

We can’t wait to get 68,000 cars off our roads.

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A mass transit solution in the Ipswich to Springfield Central (I2S) Public Transport Corridor will connect Ipswich to Springfield Central via Ipswich’s residential expansion areas of Ripley and Redbank Plains.

Mass transit in this corridor would help protect South-East Queensland’s liveability by providing an efficient alternative to cars for more than 200,000 people to access jobs, education, services, and recreation.

What’s needed?

We are seeking project delivery funding provision of $2-3 billion* in the outer years of the State and Federal budget forward estimates.

*Please note the costings for these projects are indicative and not informed by any design or cost plans.

Click the map image to enlarge.

Benefits to South-East Queensland

If we do nothing

The road network servicing Ipswich will fail by 2031

Average travel times will increase by up to 81%

Ripley to Brisbane will blow out to a 2.5 hour commute by 2036

The economy will lose more than $1 billion a year in lost productivity

Why this is important

The I2S Corridor between Ipswich and Springfield Central is a designated 25km public transport corridor traversing residential expansion areas of Ripley and Redbank Plains. 

As a strategic link to Brisbane, the I2S Corridor will close the loop between Ipswich and Springfield Central with nine potential stations. This will go a long way towards addressing public transport underinvestment throughout Ipswich. 

Connectivity between Ipswich and Springfield Central is inadequate and not meeting community expectations. Growing areas with family-based demographics, including Redbank Plains, have limited access to public transport. 

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